#92 - colors in roadmap - severity
Type Enhancement
Status Invalid
Milestone 1.0
Version 0.4
Component Roadmap
Priority Low
Severity Minor
Owner Mythos
Assigned to -
Reported 14 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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Proposed time
Worked time

Hmm I noticed, that only the priority is major for the color. Why isn't the severity as major as the priority? If I am a developer, I would notice the red ones first, but they may have a trivial severity ... the criticals with a lower priority you wouldn't notice as good as the ones with high priority.

Sry for bad English, I'm German ;)

Ticket History

14 years and 11 months ago by Jack

The color is based on Priority, because well, its the Priority. The severity is basically to say how severe it is.

If something is of the highest severity, set the priority to the highest.

Jack closed as Invalid 14 years and 11 months ago