#80 - Milestones: Auto complete if finished
Type Enhancement
Status Rejected
Milestone 1.0
Version -
Component Roadmap
Priority Lowest
Severity Minor
Owner Mythos
Assigned to -
Reported 14 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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Proposed time
Worked time

You should include an auto complete for the milestones: You set a due date and you finish all tickets. Then you have to mark as complete. Why do you set a due date, when you have to complete it by yourself?^^

Ticket History

14 years and 12 months ago by Jack

The due date is so people can get an idea when the milestone will be completed, or should be.

But I might add something that will mark it as complete on the date if there are no open tickets.

14 years and 12 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 0.6 1.0
Jack closed as Rejected 14 years and 9 months ago