#77 - File changes (PHP, C++, etc.) in SVN browse
Type Feature
Status Closed
Milestone 1.0
Version 0.4
Component Core
Priority Lowest
Severity Minor
Owner Mythos
Assigned to -
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time


I didn't use the browse, yet, because my freehoster doesn't allow sockets() (in 2010, they are available). So I don't know, if it's included, yet.

Can you include a browser for files which are changed? Sounds funny, so I explain: MaNGOS (WoW emulator) codes in C++, via GITHUB you can "look into" the file and you can see which lines have been changed. This should be available for PHP, C#, C++, JAVA, etc. files.

Ticket History

14 years and 11 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 1.0

14 years and 9 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 1.0
Jack closed as Closed 14 years and 9 months ago