What did you do to cause this? Fresh installation
What page were you on? /users/1 and /admin/
What PHP and MariaDB versions do you run? PHP 7.1.1 and MariaDB 15.1
Describe the defect: PHP7 changed how variables-variables are processed (explanation here). Among other things, it makes the group view unloadable and breaks functionality such as admin panel.
I know that PHP 7 isn't officially supported in 3.X, but the fix is easy and won't break PHP 5.
File vendor/avalon/database/model.php line #401 changes from:
return $this->$var = $model::find($belongs_to['foreign_key'], $this->$belongs_to['column']);
return $this->$var = $model::find($belongs_to['foreign_key'], $this->{$belongs_to['column']});
The suggestion here is almost correct, and was good enough to help me when I tried installing Traq on a modern (ie PHP7) server, but the square brackets are erroneous. I just did this instead:
$xxx = $belongs_to['column'];
return $this->$var = $model::find($belongs_to['foreign_key'], $this->$xxx);
This really needs fixing. Nobody using PHP 7 will be able to use Traq without this, and your website(s) say nothing about the requirement to use ONLY version 5.x.
Thank you for the report, I have not tested on PHP 7 much. Will try to get this done ASAP after work. Thank you again.