What did you do to cause this?
Posted a comment to a ticket and accidentally changed the state.
After hitting submit, changed the state back and clicked submit a second time.
What page were you on?
Tickets page.
What PHP and MariaDB versions do you run?
MySQL: 5.1.73-1-log
PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze19
Describe the defect:
I noticed that the "how long ago" time for my second ticket action was identical to the first comment and state change.
I left the ticket back to the list of ticket and once again returned to the ticket in question. Made a new test comment and it showed a different time, but it was wrong - showing 30+ seconds ago immediately after the page refreshed.
It appears that the time of the event is being pulled from the end of the page load/session start rather than at the time the form submit actually takes place and that multiple consecutive submits will results in the multiple events sharing the same time.