#386 - Formatting style guide
Type Enhancement
Status Completed
Milestone 3.8
Version 3.2.2
Component -
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Assigned to Jack
Reported 10 years ago
Updated 2 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

What did you do to cause this?

Adding a comment to an existing ticket.

What page were you on?

View for a single ticket.

What PHP and MariaDB versions do you run?

PHP: 5.3.3-7+squeeze17

MySQL: 5.1.66-0+squeeze1-log

Describe the defect:

Surrounding a word or phrase with double underlines

__like this__

Results in the word or phrase showing as bold instead

like this

Ticket History

10 years and 9 months ago by Jack

I believe this is the way Markdown works. Single _ or * is italics while double are bold.

10 years and 9 months ago by Jamie R. McPeek

Ah, my mistake.

I remembered ** before and after would result in bold, just assumed __ would be italics.


10 years and 9 months ago by Jamie R. McPeek

Maybe change the ticket to Enhancement to include somewhere with the tracker documentation on how each of the formatting / style features of Markdown can be used.

They are fairly unintuitive in some cases. Can either make another ticket for that, or change this one; or neither if you don't believe it is useful.

10 years and 9 months ago by Jack

  • Summary Italics Gets Converted to Bold Formatting style guide
  • Type Defect Enhancement
  • Status New Accepted
  • Assigned to Jack

It would be helpful to have a formatting style guide of some sort.

10 years and 8 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 3.3 4.0

2 years ago by Jack

  • Milestone 4.0 3.8
  • Closed ticket as Completed

The markdown editor is moving to SimpleMDE which includes documentation.