#381 - Account Deactivation & Installation Security
Type Feature
Status Accepted
Milestone 4.0
Version -
Component -
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Assigned to Jack
Reported 11 years ago
Updated 11 years ago
Votes 0
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Proposed time
Worked time

What does this feature do?

The intent of this ticket would be to add improved functionality for maintaining the quality of discourse which takes place on the bug tracker, especially when used in a publicly accessible setting.

At a minimum, it would allow for the deactivation of accounts such that they can no longer be logged into and would force their session to terminate at the time of deactivation.

To be extended further as a means to provide better control, would be to include the following options as well:

  • The ability to ban all accounts based on a specific email address, as well as prevent registration.
  • The ability to ban any accounts which have logged in from a specific IP or IP Range, as well as prevent registration.
  • The ability to maintain a free form field for documenting why a specific account was deactivated. In the case of the two "mass actions" above, it would have a comment for the action which would be applied to all affected users.
  • The ability to limit any and all of the above by a duration or a scheduled expiration of the deactivation.

What makes this feature interesting?

This helps to greatly improve the control managers or administrators have over the content which is added to the bug tracker.

On low traffic sites, specifically those geared towards development or technical issues, this likely isn't going to be a problem that needs solving; however, on very high traffic sites or sites which do not primarily contain technical users, it can quickly approach being "a must".

Ticket History

11 years and 3 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 3.3 4.0
  • Status New Accepted
  • Assigned to Jack