#370 - Switch to the Avalon framework
Type Task
Status Closed
Milestone 4.0
Version -
Component Core
Priority Highest
Severity Normal
Owner Jack
Assigned to Jack
Reported 10 years ago
Updated 16 hours ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

Switching to Avalon 2.0 will reduce the amount of code needed in a lot of areas.


  • Remove Avalon submodule
  • Update routes
  • Update models
  • Update controllers

Ticket History

10 years and 6 months ago by Jack

  • Status New Started

Minor changes from the Radium framework are slowly being added to the Avalon framework to reduce work needed for the switch.

9 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Summary Switch to the Radium framework Switch to the Avalon framework

9 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Tasks Remove Avalon submodule, Add Radium submodule, Update routes, Update models, Update controllers Remove Avalon submodule, Update routes, Update models, Update controllers
Jack closed as Completed 8 years and 6 months ago

5 years and 2 months ago by Jack

  • Status Completed Rejected

16 hours and 35 minutes ago by Jack

  • Status Rejected Closed