#35 - Ability to filter tickets
Type Enhancement
Status Completed
Milestone 0.6
Version 0.4
Component Ticket Filters
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner Anonymous
Assigned to Jack
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

It would be nice to be able to filter only new tickets, or a milestone specific.

Ticket History

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 0.5 0.6

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Priority Highest Normal

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Status New Accepted

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Status Accepted Started

15 years and 4 months ago by fabianCastle

Just feedback about the filter i currently see: Looks great so far, just missing the ability to remember the filters. When I edit a ticket and I go back to the ticket list, it filters get lost in the process.

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

  • Component Tickets Ticket Filters

15 years and 2 months ago by Jack

Just need to add a few more filters and Traq 0.6 is ready to be released, anyone want to tell me what they think so far?

Jack closed as Completed 15 years and 2 months ago

Filter's are complete.