#329 - Ticket summary html encoding
Type Defect
Status Invalid
Milestone 3.0.8
Version -
Component Tickets
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Assigned to -
Reported 11 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

What did you do to cause this?

Viewing a ticket where a title/summary change took place.

What page were you on?


What PHP and MySQL versions do you run?

5.3.3-7+squeeze14, 5.1.66-0+squeeze1

Describe the defect:

Changing the state of the ticket introduces an auto-generated comment to describe the state change.

This information is wrapped as preformatted text. In cases where one of the fields contains special html characters, it will attempt to encode, but preformatted text section prevents it from being converted back to readable format.

Ticket History

11 years and 1 month ago by Jack

  • Summary Ticket summary html encoding This is a "test"

11 years and 1 month ago by Jack

  • Summary This is a "test" Ticket summary html encoding

11 years and 1 month ago by Jack

Was that ticket created on a Traq 2.x installation?

11 years and 1 month ago by Jamie R. McPeek

This ticket was created shortly after the upgrade of a 2.x installation to 3.0.3.

Possibly something that was corrected in one of the future version and is no longer applicable?

Jack closed as Invalid 11 years and 1 month ago

Actually, believe 3.0.7 may have corrected this.