#284 - Class 'ProjectSettingsAppController' not found
Type Defect
Status Fixed
Milestone 3.0
Version 3.0
Component AdminCP
Priority High
Severity Major
Owner cornbread
Assigned to Jack
Reported 11 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

What did you do to cause this? Clicked Edit beside newly created Project.

What page were you on? http://my.site.com/traq/admin

What PHP and MySQL versions do you run? PHP 5.3.17 MySQL 5.5.27-log Apache 2.2.3 RHEL 5.8

Describe the defect: Clicking the Edit or Delete links beside the newly created Project brings up a blank page.

The following error was logged by Apache:

[Wed Oct 10 10:54:32 2012] [error] [client] PHP Fatal error: Class 'ProjectSettingsAppController' not found in /var/www/mysite/traq/system/controllers/projectsettings/options_controller.php on line 30, referer: http://my.site.com/traq/admin


Ticket History

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

  • Attached admin_cp_list_projects.png

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

  • Attached admin_cp_clicking_edit_project_blank_screen.png

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

Note to Jack -- this installation is on a second server with different PHP/MySQL and OS version from the issue in my other ticket. I added the .htaccess before installing here, and the installer worked OK, and I am able to log in under this environment (seen in screenshots).

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

  • Priority Normal High

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

This appears to function as a workaround:

ln -s /var/www/mysite/traq/system/controllers/projectsettings /var/www/mysite/traq/system/controllers/ProjectSettings

confirm link: ls -ld /var/www/mysite/traq/system/controllers/ProjectSettings

Jack closed as Fixed 11 years and 8 months ago