#283 - Display issue with IE9
Type Defect
Status Closed
Milestone 2.4.0
Version 3.0
Component Core
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner cornbread
Assigned to Jack
Reported 11 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

What did you do to cause this? Accessed the installer with Internet Explorer 9.

What page were you on? http://my.site.com/traq/install/

What PHP and MySQL versions do you run? (client side issue)

Describe the defect: Style sheet loads, but displays incorrectly with Internet Explorer 9.


Ticket History

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

  • Attached traq_ie9_css_issue.png

Attached screenshot.

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

  • Attached traq_ff15_win7.png

Page renders OK in Firefox 15 on Windows 7. (attached)

Jack closed as Closed 11 years and 9 months ago

This is because Internet Explorer never has, and never will, be supported.

I refuse to go out of my way to fix Microsoft's incompetence.

11 years and 9 months ago by cornbread

I like your train of thought. :)