What did you do to cause this? Installed traq-3.0a2 by extracting the files into my target directory on the server. In this case, /var/www/mysite/traq/.
What page were you on? http://my.site.com/traq/install/
What PHP and MySQL versions do you run? PHP 5.3.3 MySQL 5.0.95 Apache 2.2.3 RHEL 5.5
Client OS Linux Mint 11 (32bit) Windows 7
Client Browsers Firefox 15.0.1 Chrome 19
Describe the defect: To create the problem I simply loaded the installer by accessing the newly uploaded traq folder in my browser. The page contents loaded, however the included CSS was ignored due to a MIME type mismatch. The browser expected text/css, however the file was identified as text/html. I've attached a screenshot of how the Installer appeared initially.
Attaching screenshot of Firebug, on the CSS info tab - this shows that no styles were loaded for the install page (aka install/views/layout.php)
Now I remove the top line of install/views/layout.php:
<!doctype html>
So the new top line is:
<html lang="en" dir="ltr">
Saved this, then accessed http://my.site.com/traq/. The installer now appears with styles applied. The included CSS file is now recognized as text/css instead of text/html.
Screenshot attached of firebug showing styles applied, after the change above.
Attached ticket of installer showing correct styles, after change (previous update to this ticket).
The issue could be that the browser didn't like the HTML5 doctype.
Attached screenshot of Traq installation with included style sheet ignored by browser.