#26 - Localisations
Type Feature
Status Completed
Milestone 0.6
Version -
Component Core
Priority Highest
Severity Normal
Owner Mythos
Assigned to Jack
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 11 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

There should be localisations, for example German, French, Italian, etc.

Ticket History

15 years and 9 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 0.5 0.6
  • Status New Accepted

I will see about adding this after 0.5

15 years and 9 months ago by Mythos

Hello Jack, I've written an e-mail to you, and I just completed my translation. It's Traq 0.4, but I don't know how to change the templatename from "default" to "Standard". If you would like to see or upload it, I can attach it here ;)

Regards, Mythos

15 years and 9 months ago by Mythos


Jack, can you say me, where I can find the date, please, because in Germany we don't use "day". xD

15 years and 9 months ago by Jack

[quote=Mythos]where I can find the date, please, because in Germany we don't use "day".[/quote] If your referring to the dates like "1 day ago" that is part of the timesince() and timefrom() functions located in include/common.php file.

15 years and 9 months ago by Anonymous

Hiho, I've got a SVN @ Sourceforge.net and my translations are almost complete.


15 years and 9 months ago by Jack

To see the enUS/English localization, you can [url=http://traq.rainbirdstudios.com/lang-enus.php]view the source here[/url]

15 years and 9 months ago by Jack

The front end is almost complete, then I need to do the AdminCP.

Feel free to start translating, but just know that some of the language strings may change and new ones will be added, some may even be removed, so just keep checking the link I posted earlier.

15 years and 9 months ago by Mythos

Yeah, thank you ;)

Jack closed as Completed 15 years and 7 months ago

The front end of Traq is localized. The AdminCP will be done in 0.7 so Traq 0.6 can be released earlier.