What did you do to cause this? I clicked on New Ticket, filled the form with Type, Summary, and other Properties (Assigned to, Priority, etc). I left the Description blank, and clicked on Create Ticket. Ticket gets rejected, because of it, and shows the message "Description cannot be blank.". Then the defect happens, see below.
What page were you on? http://traq.traqproject.org/traq/newticket
Describe the defect: All fields are reset to their default value, except for the Summary. So I have to type in all the other fields I have just filled before. It would be nice, if they were preserved too.
Replacement file goes in the JS
folder at the root of Traq, simply overwrite the old with the new.
Here for any one who has updated there jQuery version to 1.7
Closing tickets that have yet to be fixed in the repository makes it hard to see what needs to be done.
Sorry bout that Jack, I always forget not to close the ticket >_<
Would be an easy fix to use jQuery to check the values before the submit button is put in the enable state. But, in case this happens to you again before the a fix is released; You may push the back button and most modern browsers will have your previous state before submitting saved.
-- Jack -- I'll touch the vanilla Traq JS sheet, and add the proper selectors && functionality to the script.