What did you do to cause this?
Create custom field "Reproducibility" with this code
<select name="reproducibility"> <option value="1"></option> <option value="2">Yes</option> <option value="3">No</option> </select>
What page were you on?
Describe the defect:
New Ticket page shows the custom field with name and selection as expected, but after creating a new ticket, the selected custom field value is missing in Tickets page.
Here's the code for the percent field used here on the site.
<select name="%name%"> <?php foreach(array('0','10','20','30','40','50','60','70','80','90','100') as $_pct) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $_pct; ?>%" <?php echo (is_array($ticket) && @$ticket['extra'][$field['id']] == $_pct.'%' ? 'selected=\"selected\"' : ''); ?>><?php echo $_pct; ?>%</option> <?php } ?> </select>
Thanks for the reply Jack. I try your code in my 2.1.1 intallation, values are still not saved. What else I did wrong?
Code entered: <select name='pct'><?php foreach(array(0,25,50,75,100) as $_pct) { ?><option value='<?php echo $_pct; ?>'<?php echo (is_array($ticket) && $ticket['extra'][$field['id']] == $_pct.'' ? 'selected="selected"' : ''); ?>><?php echo $_pct; ?>%</option><?php } ?></select>
Step into \templates\traq.templates\new_ticket.php (line 115), the code was translated to: <select name='pct'><?php foreach(array(0,25,50,75,100) as \$_pct) { ?><option value='<?php echo \$_pct; ?>'<?php echo (is_array(\$ticket) && \$ticket['extra'][\$field['id']] == \$_pct.'' ? 'selected=\"selected\"' : ''); ?>><?php echo \$_pct; ?>%</option><?php } ?></select>
Is that something in my PHP setting?
You may need to type it in yourself if copy/pasting isn't working.
If you need further help, the forums are a better choice as this place is setup for actual issues, not discussion and help.
The field is not being remembered because you need to add the checking of that yourself.