#175 - Polish translation
Type Enhancement
Status Closed
Milestone 2.1
Version -
Component -
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Assigned to -
Reported 13 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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p. Hi i've created polish translation for Traq. There's just one word i can't translate - hook. In polish, the exact translation means that thing used on fishing so i leaved it as it was - "Hook".

p. "http://dev.keepthismoment.com/traq/pl.phps(http://dev.keepthismoment.com/traq/pl.phps)":http://dev.keepthismoment.com/traq/pl.phps .

p. Additionally, i don't know how to set default locale for month names etc. so if have any idea, just tell me and i'll update the translation file.

Ticket History

13 years and 10 months ago by Mythos

Hey, don't bother, there are some words in my translation (German) that aren't translated, because that are some words we do not translate. I also didn't translate "Hook". ;-)

-- mythos

Jack closed as Closed 13 years and 8 months ago