#13 - Ticket Titles have \ when titles contain a '
Type Defect
Status Fixed
Milestone 0.4
Version -
Component Tickets
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner Jack
Assigned to -
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

Ticket Titles have a \ when titles contain a ' in them, and appears on every page that displays a ticket title.

Ticket History

15 years and 5 months ago by Jack

  • Status New Accepted

15 years and 5 months ago by Jack

  • Assigned to Jack Xocide

15 years and 5 months ago by Jack

  • Assigned to Xocide
  • Closed ticket as Fixed

15 years and 4 months ago by Radii

  • Milestone 0.4 0.5

Hi Jack I was wondering if you can post the patch for this and/or release.

15 years and 4 months ago by Jack

Replying to [comment:5 Radii]:

Hi Jack I was wondering if you can post the patch for this and/or release.

Traq 0.4 contains the fix and is available for download at SourceForge.net:br https://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=249913&package_id=305333&release_id=666418