#112 - Translation into Russian
Type Task
Status Fixed
Milestone 0.6.1
Version -
Component Core
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner ailus
Assigned to -
Reported 14 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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Translation into Russian. Ive translate it into the russian. How can i post file ru.php?


Ticket History

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

  • Status New Accepted
ailus closed as Closed 14 years and 10 months ago

ruUTF.php Russian lang support. Please add it to the Traq.

14 years and 10 months ago by Mythos

Well, I think in 0.6 it won't be added, because the SVN is already 2.0dev

So wait for the update to 2.0 :)

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

Can I get english lang file to translate it? I like your trac system =], its so simple and use php!

14 years and 10 months ago by Mythos

First it isn't mine and the second thing: wait until version 2.0 is released, because Jack will add or remove some things from the lang file ;)

And you're right, it is simple and it uses php :)

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

my lang file return this error after any operation:

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /www/vndv.com/d/b/s/dbstudios/htdocs/traq/include/lang/ruUTF.php:1) in /www/vndv.com/d/b/s/dbstudios/htdocs/traq/admincp/projects.php on line 162

who can help ?

ailus reopened as Reopened 14 years and 10 months ago

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

guys need some help, my lang file return this error after any operation: Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by ... what it means??? how i can to fix it?

14 years and 10 months ago by Jack

  • Component Install/Upgrade Core

I'm sorry that I didn't to this before now, but I'm on holiday right now and it's a little hard for me to get onto the Internet here. I will check the file tonight when I get back home and add a section to the site for language files.

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

Thats great... but I still have this problem... and I dont know how to fix it.

14 years and 10 months ago by Jack

I took a look at the file, I can't see anything with the code that would cause the error your getting, it could be the way the characters are, might need to save the file as Unicode or something, when I get some free time I will see if I can fix it.

14 years and 10 months ago by ailus

Jack please delete ruUTF.php. I attach the new file ruRu.php it works. All problem was in windows(OS) charset. And Please add it to the new version of yours Traq it was very useful for other users and me.

If you want I can translate it on Ukrainian.

ailus closed as Fixed 14 years and 10 months ago

14 years and 10 months ago by Jack

I'll add a new section to the site for language files tomorrow. And if I ever get around to releasing another pre-2.0 version of Traq I will include the file.

14 years and 10 months ago by Jack

Can I get you to post your language file in the Traq 0.6 language files forum located here: http://traqproject.org/forum/forumdisplay.php?fid=12