#442 - Use view inheritance
Type Enhancement
Status Started
Milestone 3.9
Version 4.0
Component Core
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner Jack
Assigned to Jack
Reported 8 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

Avalon 2.0.0 has a new PhpExtended view engine that allows for views to inherit others, making layouts even easier, especially for theming.

This can be backported to the currently used Avalon version.

Ticket History

8 years and 2 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 4.1 4.0

8 years and 1 month ago by Jack

  • Status Accepted Started
Jack closed as Completed 8 years and 1 month ago
Jack reopened as New 5 years and 2 months ago
Jack closed as Completed 5 years and 2 months ago

1 year and 11 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 4.0 3.9
  • Reopened ticket as Accepted
Jack started as Started 1 year and 11 months ago