#42 - $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] issue, traq not working
Type Defect
Status Invalid
Milestone 0.6
Version -
Component Core
Priority Highest
Severity Blocker
Owner fabianCastle
Assigned to -
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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Proposed time
Worked time

After testing the application this afternoon (an liking it), I decided to upload it to my web server. Unfortunally, it stopped working.

Seems like the $_SERVER['PATH_INFO'] (in the uri class) is not returning anything, therefore anything further the projectlisting is not accessible any more.

Please review and let me know, thanks.

Ticket History

15 years and 1 month ago by fabianCastle

  • Priority Normal Highest

15 years and 1 month ago by fabianCastle

  • Component Tickets Core
  • Status New Reopened

I have fixed it in my hosting-server, by I had to modify the URI calls as indicated bellow:

<?php /**

  • Origin
  • Copyright (c) 2009 Rainbird Studios
  • $Id: uri.php 21 2009-02-22 06:59:44Z jack $ */


  • URI Class
  • @version $Rev: 21 $ */ class URI { public $seg = array();

    public function __construct() { / Modified by Fabian / $installationDir="traq/"; $pathinfo = trim($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'/'); $pathinfo = trim(str_replace($installationDir,"",$pathinfo)); if($installationDir==$pathinfo."/") $pathinfo=""; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

    $segments = explode('/',$pathinfo);
    $this->seg = $segments;


    public function geturi() { return $this->anchor().implode('/',$this->seg).'/'; }

    public function anchor($segments = array()) {

    if(!is_array($segments)) {
        $segments = func_get_args();
    /* Modified by Fabian */
        $installationDir= "http://". $_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]. "/traq/";
        $path = str_replace('index.php','',$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
        return  $installationDir . $this->array_to_uri($segments);


    private function array_to_uri($segments = array()) { if(count($segments) < 1 or !is_array($segments)) { return; } foreach($segments as $key => $val) { $segs[] = $val; } return implode('/',$segs).'/'; }

} ?>

Would you please analyze these changes, it might not be the best way to solve it,but it worked for me. Hope that this helps you.

15 years and 1 month ago by Jack

What web server are you running? Apache/Lighttpd/nginx/IIS ?

15 years and 1 month ago by Jack

  • Status Reopened New

15 years and 1 month ago by fabianCastle

Linux, Centos, Apache Another fact is that I had already a main application running in public folder and in order to install traq 0.5 I had to create another folder for it's dedicated use. In other workds, traq 0.5 was not installed directly on the virtualhost directory, but in a sub-folder.

Jack closed as Invalid 15 years and 1 month ago

Traq is designed to be accessed directly, not through a sub folder.