#419 - Add support for https://
Type Enhancement
Status Completed
Milestone 3.5.1
Version -
Component -
Priority Highest
Severity Major
Assigned to Jack
Reported 10 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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It's actually impossible to run Traq in secure mode via https://

If I enable https://, all the query and links in traq have an https:// url but it looks like there is a redirection to a non https:// mode

Ticket History

10 years ago by Jack

  • Status New Investigating

Where does this redirection from https to http take place?

When clicking the link(s) or during form submission?

10 years ago by Michel LAURENT

After checking again, I founded that the problem only occurs in Safari on my mac. The problem is not a redirection but a not completely safe connection through https:// due to news plugin not using an https:// connection (http://traq.io/news.json).

[Warning] The page at https://**** ran insecure content from http://traq.io/news.json?callback=jQuery1110034150170045904815_1397062615646&_=1397062615647.

10 years ago by Jack

  • Severity Normal Major
  • Priority Normal Highest
  • Status Investigating Accepted
  • Assigned to Jack

Ah, yes. I will have to fix that, either by disabling the fetching of news when accessing the AdminCP via https or setting up https on Traq.io

Jack closed as Completed 10 years ago