#244 - bug with admincp/settings.php
Type Defect
Status Invalid
Milestone 2.3.3
Version 2.3.2
Component AdminCP
Priority Low
Severity Trivial
Assigned to -
Reported 12 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
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Proposed time
Worked time

What did you do to cause this? regular code analysis

What page were you on? acp/settings

Describe the defect: The language select dropdown has [code]...iif(settings('local') == $local['file'], ' selected="selected"') ...[/code] Should be [code]...iif(settings('local') == str_ireplace('.php', '', $local['file']), ' selected="selected"') ...[/code]

I believe unmodified line number is 84

Ticket History

Jack closed as Invalid 12 years ago

Traq 2.x sets the locale with the file extension where Traq 3.0 does not. Are you sharing the database with Traq 3.0-dev at all?