#196 - Only show statuses set to changelog in count
Type Feature
Status Rejected
Milestone Future
Version 2.1.1
Component -
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner Marcus
Assigned to -
Reported 13 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

It'd make the Closed tickets, Active tickets, and Total tickets counts a lot more useful if they only show tickets statues (& maybe types) that are set to show in changelog, that way things like reject and duplicates won't be in the count, making the count a lot more useful. You'd be able to get a real idea of amount of work done.

Ticket History

13 years and 2 months ago by Jack

  • Milestone 2.2 future
Jack closed as Rejected 12 years ago

Rejecting this ticket, doesn't seem right to hide the real amount of tickets.