#14 - Separate comments with the Ticket Changes
Type Feature
Status Invalid
Milestone 0.5
Version -
Component Tickets
Priority Normal
Severity Normal
Owner Radii
Assigned to -
Reported 15 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
Votes 0
Related tickets
Proposed time
Worked time

I think it would be better if you guys separated the comments from the Ticket Changes; that way it's easier to see the comments and not mix it up with the changes.

Ticket History

15 years and 1 month ago by Jack

This is how Ticket History used to be, but decided it looked cleaner with them together.

It would be easy with a few template changes to separate them, I can do this and add an option to switch between templates like vBulletin does this the classic and 3.0.0 postbit.

15 years and 1 month ago by Jack

  • Type Enhancement Feature Request
  • Closed ticket as Invalid

Anyone wanting a ticket view page with separate comments from the history can edit the template, It's not hard.